Kamis, 24 Juli 2008

All ability to copy or transfer tracks bought through Yahoo Music will end with the month of September, an announcement indicates. Beginning on October 1st the company is shutting off the delivery of DRM keys for tracks, a move which should leave the music playable locally, but difficult if not impossible to copy to a portable player, second hard drive, or compact disc. The deadline follows months after the closure of Yahoo Music sales, which have since been replaced by a partnership with Real's DRM-free Rhapsody service.

The shutdown echoes Microsoft's dilemma with MSN Music, which has also closed shop and had an initial date of August 31st set for the expiry of DRM. Microsoft has since reacted to pressure however, and agreed to extend the life of its DRM servers until late 2011. Such concern is one of the primary reasons stores and labels have begun switching to DRM-free formats.


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