NetSketch application for iPhone and iPod touch allows multiple users to draw and edit the same picture from different phones, all in real-time. This new app allows for collaboration on drawings and sketches on an infinite canvas, each user seeing the changes that others have made to the drawing while it is being created. Snapshots of drawings can be stored in the iPhone photo library, emailed to friends, or uploaded to a website where they can be exported to EPS format for use with Adobe Illustrator.
The canvas is unlimited, allowing infinite zoom to add more detail, independent of the iPhone screen size. As the user zooms in further the detail level increases showing accurate, un-aliased lines instead of large pixels. Detail can be added at any level. NetSketch allows a full spectrum of colors and brush sizes to be used on the drawings.
Collaboration is organized on a home screen which shows the pictures that are open to editng and how many people are working on each drawing. Selecting a picture opens it to editing, where the user can view the actions of others working on the same sketch.
To control access, work can be set as private or only accessible to specific users. Network sharing is only available when the iPhone or iPod is connected to a wireless network and can be turned off to conserve battery life. NetSketch is available on iTunes for the iPhone and iPod touch for $6.

["Alien 1," by Theodore, illustrated with NetSketch ]

["Altadena Library" by KeniArts, illustrated with "NetSketch]
The canvas is unlimited, allowing infinite zoom to add more detail, independent of the iPhone screen size. As the user zooms in further the detail level increases showing accurate, un-aliased lines instead of large pixels. Detail can be added at any level. NetSketch allows a full spectrum of colors and brush sizes to be used on the drawings.
Collaboration is organized on a home screen which shows the pictures that are open to editng and how many people are working on each drawing. Selecting a picture opens it to editing, where the user can view the actions of others working on the same sketch.
To control access, work can be set as private or only accessible to specific users. Network sharing is only available when the iPhone or iPod is connected to a wireless network and can be turned off to conserve battery life. NetSketch is available on iTunes for the iPhone and iPod touch for $6.
["Alien 1," by Theodore, illustrated with NetSketch ]
["Altadena Library" by KeniArts, illustrated with "NetSketch]
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