Sabtu, 05 Juli 2008

NEW YORK - A hedge fund cheat who tried to fake his own death and spent nearly a month as a fugitive told a judge Thursday that he really did try to commit suicide while on the run, saying he thought it would be better to do himself in than turn himself in.

One day after surrendering at a tiny Massachusetts police station after more than three weeks on the lam, Samuel Israel III again stood before an impatient and bitter U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon. She originally had pronounced his 20-year prison sentence in April while allowing him to remain free on $500,000 bail.

On Thursday, McMahon was unsympathetic. She told Israel, who scammed hundreds of millions of dollars from investors, that he had to forfeit his bail. She ordered him to begin serving his sentence while he faces a new charge of failing to report to prison, which carries a potential 10-year penalty.

The judge refused to refer Israel to the prison medical center to which he had been assigned before he fled.

"It was thrown in my face the last time. I'm now out of it," McMahon said.

Israel told the judge that he tried to commit suicide a day before turning himself in, saying he swallowed morphine tablets and the painkiller fentanyl.

"I ate the balance of my fentanyl patches because I thought it was better to do myself in than to turn myself in," Israel said. "I woke up battered and bruised, and I realized God didn't want me to do that, and I turned myself in."

Israel, 49, was sentenced in April for conspiracy and fraud after he fleeced investors of nearly a half-billion dollars by making it appear his hedge funds were profitable.

But Israel didn't show up at prison to start serving his sentence June 9. He left his SUV on a bridge over the Hudson River north of New York City with the words "suicide is painless" -- the theme song for the "M.A.S.H." television show -- scrawled on its dusty hood.

The financier, who was the subject of a national manhunt, surrendered Wednesday morning after riding his scooter to the Southwick, Mass., police station. He had called his sister-in-law and his mother, who contacted the U.S. Marshals Service.

The judge said she hoped Israel's bail money would be used to cover the expenses incurred in the manhunt.

While he was on the run, Israel was thought to be staying at RV parks, campgrounds or highway rest areas. His girlfriend was arrested on charges that she helped him elude law enforcers.

It was a humbling fall for Israel, who had enjoyed the glamour and wealth of a successful investment banking and hedge fund career. He once rented a house from Donald Trump for $32,000 a month.

Israel's time on the run was complicated by his medical problems. He has had nine back surgeries, wears a pacemaker and is addicted to painkillers, according to prosecutors.

His ailments -- along with 2 1/2 years of cooperating with authorities -- had helped him get less than the maximum 30-year sentence.

At one point Thursday, a weary-looking Israel sat down as the judge read him his legal rights.

"Stand up, Mr. Israel," McMahon told him sternly. "If you can ride a motorcycle, Mr. Israel, you can stand up in my courtroom."


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