Minggu, 22 Juni 2008

iPhone enterprise developer Webstate has announced iSharephone, a native application for Apple's iPhone 3G that allows the user to access the Microsoft Office SharePoint portal. Sharepoint is Microsoft Office 2007's server program that allows content management, publishing and collaboration. It also allows people, data and document searches and data analysis. iSharephone, as yet unpriced, will allow users of Sharepoint to access the information from the field.

The company says the application transfers data on SSL and encrypts information using an SQLite database for maximum security. Authorization transactions take place behind firewalls on iSharephone servers, further protecting data, and the iSharephone server connects to enterprise SharePoint servers, keeping company information secure throughout the process.

It is scheduled for an August/September release and is built on the iPhone SDK, making it faster than a web application (i.e, utilizing more data and consuming less bandwith). The application offers iPhone-like control features and layouts, so users can quickly adjust to the new software.


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