Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

LONDON (Reuters) - Many City workers are unlikely to have a relaxing summer holiday this year, with 83 percent admitting they will take their mobile phone or Blackberry with them, a report said on Monday.

Of 300 City professionals interviewed by data protection agency Credant Technologies, 65 percent confessed they would contact the office either by phone, text or email while on holiday, the report said.

Over a quarter said they would check their email during their vacation, and one third would take their laptops, the study said.

"Whether its paranoia on the part of employees, or unrealistic demands from employers, the fact is that this summer numerous workers will be accessing the corporate network from all over the globe," Michael Callahan, senior vice president and chief marketing officer for Credant Technologies, said.

Thousands of City jobs are expected to be slashed over the next few months as the credit crunch eats into banks profits.

(Editing by Sue Thomas)


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