Unique offer brings cost savings to new HD set-ups
MINNEAPOLIS --(Business Wire)-- Mar. 3, 2008 Ready for HD? Best Buy is ready to help you pay your bills.
Beginning March 2, Best Buy will launch a relationship with DIRECTV(R) where Best Buy will pay $30 monthly on new customers' DIRECTV bills.(1) Designed to encourage customers to experience the best in high definition, Best Buy will actually pay a portion of customers' bills in the form of a credit appearing on each monthly statement. Customers can receive the credit through one of three new offers:
-- Twelve months of credits when adding HD Access(2) and buying any HDTV priced at $999 or higher (a $360 value).
-- Six months of credits when adding HD Access and buying any HDTV priced under $999 (a $180 value).
-- Three months of credits when activating any new DIRECTV service (a $90 value).
The offer continues Best Buy's efforts to promote a complete HD experience for customers. Through advertising, promotions, in store and online education efforts, Best Buy has worked to educate people that high definition television is about more than just the television. Connecting to an HD source, using the right cables, adding surround sound and having the home theater professionally installed are all vital elements of HD.
"We know that customers buying HD televisions are doing so because they want a certain kind of experience," said Chris Homeister, vice president of merchandising for home entertainment services for Best Buy. "By offering to help pay a customer's DIRECTV bill we're making a dramatic statement about the importance of connecting a television to the right source for HD programming. We want customers to have the same quality picture in their home that they saw in our stores."
The promotion runs until June 24, 2008.
About Best Buy Co., Inc.
Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE:BBY) operates a global portfolio of brands with a commitment to growth and innovation. Our employees strive to provide customers around the world with superior experiences by responding to their unique needs and aspirations. We sell consumer electronics, home-office products, entertainment software, appliances and related services through nearly 1,300 retail stores across the United States, throughout Canada and in China. Our multi-channel operations include: Best Buy (BestBuy.com, BestBuy.ca and BestBuy.com.cn), Future Shop (FutureShop.ca), Geek Squad (GeekSquad.com and GeekSquad.ca), Pacific Sales Kitchen and Bath Centers (PacificSales.com), Magnolia Audio Video (Magnoliaav.com), Jiangsu Five Star Appliance Co. (Five-Star.cn) and Speakeasy (Speakeasy.net). Best Buy supports the communities in which its employees work and live through volunteerism and grants that benefit children and education.
(1) Customers who order new DIRECTV service at a participating Best Buy store between 3/2/08 - 6/24/08 and activate DIRECTV service (along with HD Access and purchase a qualifying HDTV for 6 and 12 month offers) before 7/24/08 will automatically receive a $30 bill credit per month for 3, 6, or 12 consecutive months, depending upon offer selection. Bill credit provided by Best Buy(TM). AFTER 3, 6 OR 12 CONSECUTIVE MONTHS (BASED ON OFFER), BILL CREDITS WILL AUTOMATICALLY DISCONTINUE AND ALL SERVICES TO WHICH CUSTOMER IS SUBSCRIBING, INCLUDING $9.99/MO. HD ACCESS FEE, WILL AUTOMATICALLY CONTINUE ON THE 4TH, 7TH OR 13TH MONTH AT THE THEN-PREVAILING RATES (WHICH MAY INCLUDE REMAINING PROGRAMMING AND/OR BILL CREDIT OFFER(S) FROM DIRECTV). LIMIT ONE $30/MO. BILL CREDIT OFFER PER DIRECTV ACCOUNT. Account must be in "good standing," as determined by DIRECTV in its sole discretion, to remain eligible for either offer. Hardware and programming available separately. DIRECTV System lease requires 18 consecutive months (24 for advanced receivers) programming commitment at $29.99/mo. or above. HD Access fee required for HD or HD DVR lease. Receipt of DIRECTV programming subject to DIRECTV Customer Agreement; copy provided at directv.com/legal and in your first DIRECTV bill. (C)2008 DIRECTV Inc. DIRECTV and the Cyclone Design logo are registered trademarks of DIRECTV, Inc. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
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